Tuesday, January 26, 2010


Last night, I came to the realization that we women have issues. Well, I guess I already knew that, but I have a beef with one particular problem: Why do we beat ourselves up? Seriously. I realized that I have no idea how to take a compliment. If someone says, "Your hair looks really pretty today." Inside, I am thinking, "Yes, but have you seen my face? It's zit city!" Or if someone says, "Man, you are losing weight. You look great!" Inside, I am thinking, "Yes, but you don't have to see the cellulite hiding under these britches!" WHY DO WE DO THAT TO OURSELVES? I know I'm not the only one. I hear it from friends, family members, co-workers. You name it. This needs to stop!

We need to stop beating ourselves up over stuff that doesn't matter. We need to learn to say "thank you" on the outside AND the inside! Negative self-talk isn't getting us anywhere but depressed. It doesn't change things for the good. It only makes things worse. I say we unite in a positive attitude. Change what you can change and be content with it. Remember that ANY improvement is IMPROVEMENT. We can't be perfect all the time. Really, we can't be perfect ever. Doing our best, learning from mistakes, and building each other up is what it's all about.


SarahBeth Pate said...

Amen.That needed to be said. I feel the same way. Love You

Anonymous said...

I am so glad you said that. Do you have any idea how many times I have heard, "Your hair looks nice today" and I have responded with, "Thanks, I didn't wash it though!" THEY WOULD HAVE NEVER KNOWN! I do it all the time and then say "Shut-up, Lori!" I love you, Jen!

Randal, Belinda and Caylee-Grace said...

Amen to that Sister - I'm the same way

biggest_loser said...

You shouldn't have to worry about your face :)

Kim said...

I love you Jen! Thank you for reminding me to not be so hard on myself.