Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Monday, February 16, 2009

Week 6 Results

Week 6 was interesting. I did get to run twice this week, but I also ate nearly everything in sight. I only lost 0.2 pounds this week for a grand total of 12.2, but I knew it was coming, especially since I ate like a fiend all week.

Happy to be home with the young 'uns for President's Day. Hope to get to run this afternoon during Andrew's nap. Hope to post pictures later today.

Thursday, February 12, 2009

Results on Andrew

Dr. Walley says that he definitely still has fluid in his middle ear. He said it's not infected, but that doesn't mean that it won't get infected. We aren't sure if it's that the fluid isn't clearing up all the way OR if the fluid just keeps coming back. Nevertheless, he wants us to schedule a consultation with an ENT to put us on a timeline. Dr. W said he's more comfortable with us getting set up now instead of waiting for another ear infection. He said the ENT will basically say if Andrew can't get rid of the fluid by a certain date or gets another infection by a certain date then we will be looking at tubes.

I jokingly blame it all on Nick. Nick has messed up eustachian tubes and constantly had ear infections as a child. I, on the other hand, had my first ear infection this year. Both Peyton and Andrew have one ear that always gets infected and the fluid can't drain, but the other ear is "normal". I tell everyone the messed up ear comes from Nick and the normal ear comes from me. Don't fault me...I have to take 'em as I can get 'em. They get all of their other abnormalities from ME! :)

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Adventures in Running

So yesterday I decided to run the road instead of the track. I do much better and can hold out for longer when I don't know how far I'm running. I used the road to Kim's house as a warm-up, then turned left at the end to head down by the New Temple. At the end of Kim's road, I started running. I decided to just run until I couldn't run anymore. I was feeling good. Made it all the way to New Temple, then turned right up that side road, then turned left onto the next road (the one that connects with Tate Mill). Anyway, at the end of that road a dog came after me. A Chow, nonetheless. His buddies were waiting in the wings, ready to attack at their leader's signal. I'm familiar with these dogs; if you stop running, they stop chasing and will back off. So at the stop sign, I had to stop running to avoid being eaten alive by Fido and the gang. I walked the rest of the way back to the school and used it as my cool down. I got in the car to mark how far I had actually run. NINE-TENTHS OF A MILE! I was so mad. I have been trying to run a whole mile straight for weeks. I get that close and have to stop FOR A DOG! A DOG! Not my lungs, or my knee or my weak mind. DOGS! I think I would have rather kept running an extra tenth of a mile and gotten eaten by Fido just to say I ran a mile straight. Grrrrrr...stupid dog!

Tuesday, February 10, 2009


Please pray for Andrew. As most of you know, right around Thanksgiving he got his first ear infection. He was on Amoxicillin for a couple of weeks. Two weeks after he finished his meds, the infection came back again (Christmas), and he had to go on Augmentin for a couple of weeks. Two weeks after he finished those meds, the infection was back AGAIN. The doctor put him on Suprax, which is supposed to be for super-resistant strains of bacteria. He has been off of that medicine for ELEVEN days and is sick again. Snotty nose, irritable, fever of 101.2. He has an appointment to go back to the doctor tomorrow. I am really scared that they are going to make him get a tube in that ear. Please pray for him (and ME!) that all will be well, one way or the other. I know tubes are a routine procedure now, but it's scary when it's your baby that's the one going in. Just pray for all of us.

And while you're at it, please remember to pray for little Dakota P. and Mrs. Christy. I hope they are feeling better soon.

Monday, February 9, 2009

Week 5 Results

Well, week 5 was a tough one. Still didn't get in the exercise I wanted, which resulted in a lower weight loss than I wanted (go figure!) I lost 1.2 pounds, for a total of 12 pounds so far. Hopefully in the next week I will be able to go get this unibrow waxed!!! It's disgraceful.

My goals for this week are the following:

1. Spiritual - Read and study Proverbs.
2. Home - Wash ALL my delicates and clean the bathroom (like, REALLY clean it!)
3. Fitness - Run at least 2 times this week and do the new 15-minute ab routine in Runner's World at least 2 times this week.

By the way, turns out I can't add. Somewhere along the way I miscalculated my total weight loss. I'll blame it on "Mommy Brain" and move on. The current totals are correct on this post, not that anyone other than me cares...

Friday, February 6, 2009

Andrew and his new chair

My mom has a tradition of buying the kids a chair and ottoman. Andrew's came in yesterday, and here are the results...

Monday, February 2, 2009

Week 4 Results

Well, due to me and Andrew being sick, I did not get to exercise like I wanted to last week. I still managed to lose 1.8 pounds, for a grand total of 9.6 so far. My goal was to lose 10 pounds by April, so hopefully I can exceed that goal. Plus Nick told me I can get a "reward" of a pedicure and getting my eyebrows waxed when I hit my first goal, so maybe I will hit the 10 pound mark this week! (I am starting to get a uni-brow!)

We are starting to feel better, so maybe this week I will be able to run some. I really missed getting out. Now I have just got to get Andrew to sleep again. He has decided that he doesn't need more than 2 hours of sleep at night. No fever, nothing wrong...he just stands up in his crib and cries because no one will come get him. And he won't give up, either. I was up with him the past 3 nights in a row. I am going to start Ferber-izing him tonight. That's when you go in and pat them for a minute, then leave and wait 5 minutes then go back in. Then next time wait 6 minutes, then 7 and so on. I'm sure I'll lose sleep for the next few nights, but it always worked with Peyton. Wish us luck!