Tuesday, September 8, 2009

The New Plan

I had to devise a new fitness plan. My schedule STINKS! I have no time to workout or run, and neither does Nick. So here's my new plan...I am going to run on Mondays, Thursdays and Saturdays. I will do weight training on our Bowflex on Tuesdays and Fridays. Wednesdays and Sundays will be my recovery/off days. Nick is going to plan to do the exact opposite of me...when I run, he does weights...and when I do weights, he runs. This way, we will always have someone to watch the kiddos. I don't know what times I will be running, but the more the merrier in my opinion. If you want to, come on!

I have put back on 5.8 of the pounds I lost. GRRRRR! Largely in part to my obsession with sweet tea. As of this week, I am banning sweet tea from my diet until I can learn to control myself. One diet soda a day, and then ONLY WATER! Hopefully this will help.

Side note: Andrew has to get his flu shot today. Hope he does well. Y'all keep your fingers crossed!